Cajamarca | Peru
The Asociacion de Mujeres Caficultoras “Los Lirios de Chirinos” is a group of eight women coffee producers in northern Peru who banded together to increase their profits through better quality coffee. The group was started in 2017 by two sisters, Silvia and Nancy Lizana. They are daughters of coffee producers, fourth generation farmers, and country girls at heart.
Silvia and Nancy knew they wanted to continue their family’s farming tradition in harmony with the environment and the land but they also wanted to ensure they were getting the greatest economic benefit from their farms. “There’s power in numbers”, they thought, and in 2019 they recruited six more like-minded women to join them to form the Los Lirios Association.
By banding together, they are able to share knowledge and best practices and combine their coffee to better market it. All their coffee is hand picked and selected, washed, and then dried on covered raised beds. The women have projects to improve productivity through better fertilization and they are also working on planting vegetable farms and raising small livestock for family use.
The women of Los Lirios also produce a roasted coffee that they serve in their small coffee shop in the town of Chirinos.
8 members
Cordillera Andina, Chirinos, Cajamarca
1,790 meters
Harvest Months:
May - October
Bourbon, Caturra, Catimor, Pache
Cup profile:
Tropical fruits, winey, cherry, berry
Los Lirios de Chirinos